Saturday, 27 December 2014

This Night That Knows No Sleep

When Mary lost her virginity,
Jesus’ cry woke the night
And sleep fled the night’s eyes.

The Magi followed stars that
Suffered silence as
Gifts rocked the manger of the babe—Jesus.

From then till now, nights in Kingston
Are like days that defy meditations—
To feel the void and calmness that keep the night.
Yet, night is awake as the day.

But, who would blame the night?
Does it own itself?
Its owner is God who came as man
And killed its sleep before mortals—
God is both night and day—and I, a peripatetic poet whose
Solitude is lost to night’s mystery of wakefulness.

This night that knows no sleep,
Is yours the sleep that makes death an eternal journey?
This night that knows no sleep,
Is yours the sleep that soothes a fetus?
This night that knows no sleep,
Is your spit in the bite of tsetse flies?
This night that knows no sleep,
Is your sleep the song that scents the throne of God?
There’s no night in London and The City of Light—
As both night and its sleep are in God’s briefcase.

© Echezonachukwu Nduka 2014

Image: Echezonachukwu Nduka
Photo Credit : Michael Yipake Bansey

Saturday, 20 December 2014


do not go into the business
of asking, ‘how do i look?’
your dress, though gorgeous in
the sight of a foe feigning friendship,
may be shabby in the
sight of those folks drunk with
that wine that is poetry.
their eyes have seen worse images
and spirits as words on pages.

do not look in the
mirror to check what you wear,
how nice it fits, how stretched they appear,
how the colors blend or how necks would
break as you walk the busy streets;
look in the mirror to see your eyes
looking back at you,
your nose smelling your true self
and your ears hearing your mind’s whispers.
take heed to the whispers of your heart.

too many false selves hide in the noise
in the streets, the loud lounge music and that tot of liquor.
bind them if you please, and cast them to the devil’s dungeon-crawl
there’s a better place to be than hell.

do not look in the mirror
to check what you wear,
look in the mirror to find your true self
hidden in that whisper that is you
and no one  else

© Echezonachukwu Nduka 2014.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Zakk's Lager

Friday night’s gig soured his taste
for apple juices and filled his
glass with cold Carlsberg.
The twenty-fourth glass crowned him
king of all kubulors.

The beat drops again and he
stands to dance.
Three steps forward and five
steps backwards; Isn’t alcohol
a veteran dance tutor?
He leads the way and off
they go. Pryzm must have more kubulors!

Zakk’s gait is the evidence of drunken
eyes. But who calls the kubulor king drunk?
Isn’t that apocalyptic madness?
In the Kubuloric law of governance
and code of conduct; section one
sub-section c: drunkenness is clarity.

© Echezonachukwu Nduka 2014

Image source: (Beer Toast;

Saturday, 29 November 2014


from the hills of udi
to the creeks of nembe;
beads knew and named her footfalls.
running a test, four cracked
under the sole of her solleret
and she saw more symbols.

that noon when heat rose
with a crescendo
i watched her wimple wane in folds
soliloquies stole her silence.
she dropped black beads
and counted:
‘return’, four of you
‘return’, she  muttered
and like a poem, set the beads in fits.

four black homeward birds
dropped from the sky and rain
fell amidst sunshine.

© Echezonachukwu Nduka 2014

(Image source: